Home Buyers Inspection Report

Home Buyers Inspection Report is extremely valuable is you are about to purchase your dream home.
You don’t know the home’s history so the home inspection report will give you a fresh starting point. It will tell you the truth about the home and potentially save you thousands of dollars or at least let you know ahead of time what you are getting into. Ever seen the movie, The Money Pit
Our Home Buyers Inspection Report will identify any issues with your home from the foundation to the roof. It is very comprehensive and provides details that you may have never even considered when thinking about buying a home. Are yourself with knowledge so that you can buy with confidence and have peace of mind that you are truly purchasing your dream home.
In our home buyers inspection report we may make recommendations about how to fix the issues found, but we do not fix them. That is the responsibility of the home owner or potential home buyer. Don’t buy a home in the blind, contact us today to get a complete home buyers inspection.
Once the report is completed, we will send it to the home buyer for review. This is not to alarm you with any findings (hopefully the home gets a clean bill of health). We simply want you to know the facts about your potential new home. We stand behind our home inspection report and the results of the inspection. We will not change or modify it to help the home or seller get a more favorable inspection report.
Contact us today 251-776-2788 to set up an appointment or
click here to request an estimate.