Interior Inspection
Interior Inspection is where we spend the bulk of our time during a home inspection. We will be inspecting the floors, walls, windows, cabinets, appliances, ceilings, kitchen counters, bathroom counters, and for signs of pests and insects.

Interior Inspection -Home Inspection Mobile Alabama
We look to make sure all doors open and close freely and that they have been hung properly. We will walk all over the house to check for the structure of the floor and to make sure it doesn’t have any dips, tears, excess wear, loose boards, or water damage. We will inspect the windows to identify any problems with seals allowing airflow in/out of the house. We will also determine in if the windows will open and show no signs of damage (are the screens torn or missing).
In the kitchen we check the cabinets to make sure all will open and close properly, don’t have excessive oil buildup (from cooking splatter), all the latches and handles function or aren’t missing, and to identify if any cabinet doors are broken or missing. We will also inspect the counter top to make sure it is intact, is not pulling up, shows signs of burns or damage, and to ensure it is properly connected to the underlying structure. Finally, in the kitchen we will be operating all of the appliance to ensure proper function.
We will be inspecting the walls and trim to determine the structural integrity. We are looking for water damage or stains, loose molding and/or trim work, and to ensure that all of the walls are plumb and not leaning inward or outward. We will be noting if any of the walls show signs of cracking.
We will visually inspect the ceiling to look for signs of leaks or water damage, patched areas, signs of the roof falling down or has and sections show signs of significant damage.
We will report on all areas that are not functioning correctly with photos and easy to understand advice on the action needed to correct the problem.
Contact us today 251-776-2788 to set up an appointment or
click here to request an estimate.