Pre-Listing Home Inspections are great for buyers and sellers because it will saves both parties time and money. N-Spec Home inspection is working with a company to help establish a process that helps end the anger, frustration, and anxiety often associated with buying and selling homes. We are trying to help change the current culture of how real estate is sold, and in the process give everyone involved in the transaction valuable benefits.
Currently, Real estate agents work extremely hard to get in front of sellers. Realtors advertise themselves, build referral networks, develop a good reputation, and after all that, hopefully…, they are rewarded with listing appointments. So it’s critical for the agent to make the most of these limited opportunities.
View the Demo pre-listing home inspection report/site:
Typically, real estate agents will tell a seller their house can be sold quickly, for what the seller wants or even more, and then the agent shows comps to back up that statement. This of course is what sellers wants to hear and the seller picks a real estate agent who they think will fulfill the promises made.
At that point the agent gets the listing, puts the house in the MLS, puts a sign in the yard, spends a lot of time at open houses, spends time away from their families for showings, and spends money marketing the house.
So here is the issue with the current Real Estate Transaction process:

- A buyer and their agent make an offer.
- Negotiations occur until a price is agreed upon and it is subject to a home inspection
- All parties, the buyer, seller and both agents, now must wait for the results of the buyer’s home inspection.
- If the inspection identifies deficiencies more than likely the buyer will demand repairs be made to the house.
- This requires a second round of negotiations which may cause extreme frustration and/or anger and anxiety.
It is not uncommon that the deal fails at that point because the buyer backs out. A failed deal costs everyone value time and money. The time, money, and energy that all parties have spent on the transaction is wasted and they all need to start the process all over.
Sometimes, the buyers feel they paid too much because they not get all the repairs made they requested. The sellers are not happy because they were blindsided with costs, made repairs they did not want to make, and consequently the seller did not get the return they wanted or were promised for the house. Sometimes agents will dip into their own pockets to assist with making repairs just to get the deal to close.
Wouldn’t it be better if all parties knew the facts about
the home upfront before negotiating?
Real Estate Agent Benefits For Pre-Listing Home Inspections

Inspections Program
At N-Spec our Pre-Listing Home Inspections are a good for everyone involved in the home buying and selling process. We are dedicated to helping real estate agents receive additional Buyer Leads for Free.
Some of the other benefits include:
- Get more listings
- Use our platform to get more buyers
- Less deals fall through due to unknown problems that are identified
- Agents do not have to negotiate repairs after the buyer’s inspection is performed
- Have happier clients and sell houses faster
Home Buyer’s Benefits for Pre-Listing Home Inspections

Home Buyer Benefits of
Pre-Listing Home
Inspections Program
Normally, home inspections are requested by the buyer. If a number of deficiencies are discovered this can “kill the deal”. Buyers take time off work to attend the home inspection and invest money that is associated with a home inspection. If the deal is killed, then all that money and time is wasted and will never be recovered. This is why we promote the use of and the ability to view pre-listing home inspections provided by the home seller.
Pre-Listing Inspections benefits to buyers include…
- Saves them time and money.
- Buyers will have upfront information about the condition of the house
- Buyers worry less about having an unforeseen issues that are found during the inspection process, leading the buyer to kill the deal.
- Buyers don’t waste time fighting traffic and traveling to houses( instead can view the Pre-Listing Home Inspection report online
- Buyers worry less about being blindsided with unexpected deficiencies and costs.
- Buyers know about some deficiencies before they make an offer on the house and can price their offer accordingly.
Getting inspection information about houses before
making an offer can save the buyers time and money.
Home Seller Advantages for Pre-Listing Home Inspections

Home Seller Benefits of Home
Pre-Listing Home
Inspections Program
Normally, home inspections are requested by the buyer. If a number of deficiencies are discovered this can “kill the deal”. Buyers take time off work to attend the home inspection and invest money that is associated with a home inspection. If the deal is killed, then all that money and time is wasted and will never be recovered. For this reason we encourage home owners to obtain a pre-listing inspection to identify issues with their home and have time to repair them before listing. This eliminates the “surprises” that may appear when a buyer purchases a home inspection. This will help prevent the anxiety that a buyer may feel that causes him/her to “kill the deal”.
The benefits to home sellers from the Inspected Houses Pre-Listing program are numerous…
- Sellers are not blindsided by unforeseen costs and unexpected repairs.
- Sellers have an opportunity to build repair costs into the price of the house.
- Sellers have an opportunity to make repairs themselves prior to accepting an offer.
- Sellers have an opportunity to shop around for quality repairs at fair prices.
- Sellers worry less about deficiencies “killing a deal”.
- Sellers are fully disclosing the condition of the house
- Sellers have an opportunity to post the Pre Listing Home Inspection report, offer it for sale, and recover some of the money spent on the Pre Listing Home Inspection.
- Sellers have an opportunity to accept offers from National companies and some of these offers combined are worth hundreds of dollars.
Pre-Listing Home Inspections Program Demo Information
When a pre-listing home inspection is conducted, the home inspector will place a sign (similar to real estate sign) in the home’s yard. The sign will have a phone number where potential buyers can call and request a copy of the Pre-Listing Home Inspection. A link will be provided to the prospective buyer where they can view the home and details of the inspection. This empowers the buyer and allows them a peek at the home before they decided to begin the purchasing process.
This allows the home buyers to avoid spending money for an inspection and saves the realtor’s time (in the event that unknown or undisclosed deficiencies in a buyer purchased inspection “kill the deal”). This is a wonderful, new approach to the home purchasing and inspection process and we strongly encourage all of our potential clients to learn more.
View the Demo pre-listing home inspection report/site:
Contact Us For More Information.